The New Artist




“Entrepreneurship – Or the promise of breadless happiness” – group exhibition at Kunst Raum Riehen focusing on various forms of artistic entrepreneurship. Also shown are positions that address the conditions of being an artist in their work. Curated by Fabio Luks. With David Berweger, Beni Bischof, Mickry 3, Johannes Hedinger, Olivia Hernaïz, San Keller, Lysann König, Fabio Luks, Maria Pomiansky, Milva Stutz, Vera Trachsel.
I will show my research work THE NEW ARTIST.
26.32. – 18.4. 2022, Kunst Raum Riehen


Sociology of Arts and Markets

Cover vorn hinten

The peer reviewed chapter “Visual Artists’ Professional Situations and Trajectories Between Institutions and the Market”, based on our survey, written by Johannes M. Hedinger, Pierre Bataille and Olivier Moeschler, just got published in: The Sociology of Arts and Markets: New Developments and Persistent Patterns, ed. Glauser/Holder/Mazzurana/Moeschler/Schultheis with Palgrave Macmillan, London/New York/Shanghai (2020). > PDF

From the blurb: This edited collection offers an in-depth analysis of the complex and changing relationship between the arts and their markets. Highly relevant to almost any sociological exploration of the arts, this interaction has long been approached and studied. However, rapid and far-reaching economic changes have recently occurred.

Through a number of new empirical case studies across multiple artistic, historic and geographical settings, this volume illuminates the developments of various art markets, and their sociological analyses. The contributions include chapters on artistic recognition and exclusion, integration and self-representation in the art market, sociocultural changes, the role of the gallery owner, and collectives, rankings, and constraints across the cultural industries. Drawing on research from Japan, Switzerland, France, Italy, China, the US, UK, and more, this rich and global perspective challenges current debates surrounding art and markets, and will be an important reference point for scholars and students across the sociology of arts, cultural sociology and culture economy.


Who is paying?

Runder Tisch zum Thema Künstler*innenhonorare

Do 25.7. 2019, 18.30 – Helmhaus Zürich, Limmatquai 31, Zürich

Mit Laura Arici, Dozentin ZHdK, Kristin Bauer, Fachstelle Kunst und Bau, Amt für Hochbauten, Stadt Zürich, und Johannes M. Hedinger, Künstler und Kurator; Moderation: Daniel Morgenthaler

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Mirror Check: Panel

Panel-Diskussion “MIRROR CHECK: Eigen- und Fremdbild des/r Künstlers/in” zu den Resultaten von THE NEW ARTIST und darüber hinaus.
Mit Brigitte Dätwyler (Künstlerin, Dozentin, Unternehmerin), Priska Gisler (Wissenschaftsforscherin / Soziologin), Simon Grand (Strategieforscher, Wissensunternehmer), Gregory Hari (Künstler).
Moderation: Johannes M. Hedinger (Künstler, Kurator, Forscher)
Organisation: VISARTE Zürich

Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2018, 18.30
ZHdK, Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich
Raum ZT 5.K12Front


Interview ZETT

Interview with Johannes M. Hedinger in ZETT Magazine
of Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK – here
Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-30 um 20.01.21


First Analysis

A first analysis of the results by sociologist Peter Streckeisen can be found here.

Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-30 um 20.03.16



Die  Resultate könnten als graphische Ergebnisaufbereitung HIER bezogen werden.
Auf Anfrage sind auch die Tabellierung (PDF), die Antworten zu den offenen Fragen (XLSX) sowie die SPSS Rohdaten (SAV) erhältlich. Der Fragebogen kann weiterhin HIER bezogen werden.
Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-15 um 13.28.49Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-15 um 13.28.34



The survey is currently being evaluated. The results are expected at the beginning of March. Then the winner of the raffle will also be announced.



Arts & Market

THE NEW ARTIST präsentiert Zwischenresultate im Rahmen des internationalen Kongresses “Kunst & Märkte: Entfremdung oder Emanzipation?” am 17. Nov 2016 an der Universität St.Gallen
Website   / Programm



Survey online

Please join the Survey: Here
